Wednesday, 3 October 2012

What the Truck?

This was a mini food club meet but Jason, Terry and I were super keen to check out the food trucks. Variety is awesome.

We got there at 5:30pm hoping that the lines wouldn't be too long but.....the lines were super long! Jason's strategy was to immediately get in line as soon as he saw a truck he liked (The Act) while I wandered down the line looking for Terry and making sure I saw all my choices before deciding. My strategy was stupid. By the time I got to the end of all the trucks, I was so hungry and annoyed that I sent Jason a text that said "Argh! Lines! Please just get me food!".  Luckily the food from The Act truck was really good, he got the Big Burger and Asian Fish Sandwich. The burger was big and full of sauce and bacon while the fish sandwich was light and yummy (this is important - I don't usually like fish sandwiches). We were still hungry so we also stopped at the Drift truck for jerk chicken and braised beef sandwiches with fries. By then I wasn't hangry (hungry + angry) so the wait for food was not so aggravating.

All in all it was fun but a little hectic when things really got busy. The Victoria Promenade was a GREAT place to have the trucks, great view and lots of curbs/benches to sit down on and eat. We are going to have to do What the Truck again as I need to try the Mac Melt from Molly's Eats (bacon mac and cheese and slow roasted pork in a grilled cheese sandwich).......

PS. Terry and guest food club member Aspen got tagged in the Edmonton Journal because they are super cool.

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